Thursday, February 10, 2011

Done with Shelter

Okay so the first thing I did was created a crafting box to make tools, and then I made my shelter. Any crafting recipes that I refer to can be found the the minecraft wiki page ( In my last world I made the mistake of not making a shelter. That works until nightime and then you are killed by a mob (anything esle that moves, could be good like a pig or evil like a spider) and lose all the stuff that you collected. So I built my shelter right next to my spawn point which is usually a smart thing to do in case you are killed in which case you will spawn right next to your shelter. So after I got my shelter all set up I went out and got a crap load of wood for crafting. The main thing that I wanted to make with it was ladder parts. After I crafted like 60 ladder pieces I dug a whole all the way to the bottom of the map, digging out some coal and iron that I saw along the way. After that I built a tower all the way to the top of the level to I could see other valuable places on my map, such as a lava pit or just a sick looking place to built something. Also having a super tall tower right by your shelter keeps you from getting lost if you venture away from it and don't want to just die. Now that a had a good base for a shelter I thought I would build a fire in the corner of my shelter to dispose of some of the more useless items a had picked up, mainly wool and twigs. Well I built the fire in a part of my shelter that I left without a roof because the tree was protecting it from things getting in and I could also tell if it was day or night by looking through the leaves. Long story short I set every tree around my shelter on fire >:( good thing I had gotten the wood from most of them already.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely would be an advantage to read this before playing the game. interesting tips & strategies. Sorry to hear about your fire haha
